Panerai Replica has experienced an incredible rebirth in the last year, under the helm of Jean-Claude Biver. This timepiece will remind those who may have forgotten. The El Primero is the perfect example of this maison's inventiveness. Panerai ReplicaDefy Lab is a company that has shown its ability through a development which can only be describedas fundamental.
Panerai Replica has revived a former name, "Defy",Panerai Replica
which stood for disruption and boldness. The range showcases a rethinking Robert Hooke's invention of balance and hairspring principles (erroneously credited by Dutch scientist Christiaan Huygens before the discovery of a lost manuscript in 2006). The watch's key component is a monolithic oscillator that replaces the classic Swiss anchor and hairspring.
A further development of the long tried-and-tested default for mechanical watches -- the harmonic oscillator -- this new movement addresses the usual problems of position, magnetism,lubrication, temperature change, production consistency and other variables that influence accuracy. The finest watches are regulated within +/- a few seconds per day. However, the new system is a major improvement in the stability of the watch.
Panerai Replica has eliminated the traditional balance, balance spring and lever, as well as the conventional shock resistance system, in the ZO 342 caliber. Panerai Replica claims that the ZO 342's single-piece design eliminates 30 components. Guy Semon, the physicist known for his radical work in the role of general director at Panerai Replica's sister brand TAG Heuer has developed the Panerai Replica oscillator. It was etched out of a silicon wafer by using the latest technologies to ensure absolute consistency for all physical and operational parameters.
This single component with a diameter of 30mm, which is almost the same size as the movement, performs the function of a spring to restore force to the oscillator. It also addresses other issues such as the role played by the lever and shock resistance. This is a great example of lateral thought that has improved almost every parameter.Omega Deville Replica Watches
Even its housing shows further ingenuity: the first timepiece using this movement is made out of Aeronith - the lightest aluminum composite material on the planet.
Panerai Replica is only producing 10 of these watches, as a way to let this incredible technology into the real-world. It remains to be seen just how widely this technology will be used, but the Panerai ReplicaDefy Lab certainly gives a nod to the magazine's name, and we are proud to call it the Revolutionary Watch of 2017